Press Releases
Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 02 January – 05 January acquired a total of 265,999 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.
Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 27 December – 29 December acquired a total of 140,000 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.
Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 18 December – 22 December acquired a total of 242,297 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.
Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 11 December – 15 December acquired a total of 238,100 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.
Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 4 December – 8 December acquired a total of 256,102 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.
Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 27 November – 1 December acquired a total of 250,400 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.
The board of directors of Evolution AB (publ) has, based on the authorisation from the annual general meeting 2023, resolved that the company shall acquire own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of acquisitions of own shares is to optimise and improve the capital structure of the company by reducing the capital, thereby creating added shareholder value.
At the extraordinary general meeting in Evolution AB (publ) on 9 November 2023 it was resolved on an incentive programme by way of an issue and transfer of warrants.
Evolution AB (publ), 556994-5792, holds an extraordinary general meeting on Thursday 9 November 2023 at 15:00 (CET) at Berns, N?ckstr?msgatan 8 in Stockholm. Entry and registration begin at 14:30 (CET).